22 June 2021: Team members ‘attend’ ICASS X


The Arctic Cultures team attended ICASS X (10th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences) earlier this month.

The ICASS X was fully virtual this year, and the team each contributed presentations in a dedicated session focused on the project. In addition, team members organized a further three panels, contributing research presentations in those sessions, as well as making other contributions to the conference.  The full panel details were as follows:


15 June 2021, “Taking the Long View: History, Science, and Diplomacy in the Making of German Arctic Policy”, organized by John Woitkowitz

19 June 2021, “Arctic Cultures: Sites of Collection in the Formation of the European and American Northlands”, organized by Richard Powell

20 June 2021, “The Making(s) of Arctic expertise (two sessions)”, organized by Johanne Bruun and Nanna Kaalund
