30 September 2021: Peter giving paper at Stanford


Peter is giving paper at ‘The Third Barry Lawrence Ruderman Conference on Cartography: Indigenous Mapping’ at Stanford University on 20-21 October 2021.

Peter is presenting a paper entitled ‘The cartography of Kallihirua: Inughuit abduction and indigenous map making’. The paper will examine the circumstances surrounding the abduction of Kallihirua, a member of the Inughuit community who was recruited by the crew of the Assistance during the 1850-51 expedition in search of the missing ships Erebus and Terror. Drawing on the recent literature urging closer examination of the circumstances in which indigenous cartographic materials were produced, the paper will explore Kallihirua’s role in shaping cartographic knowledge about the Arctic.

The conference is hosted by the David Rumsey Map Center at Stanford, and can be joined virtually. Further details on the programme are here.
