10 May 2022: New Field Research PDRAs open for applications


We are delighted to be able to advertise for two new extension posts to join the Arctic Cultures team. Closing date 5 June 2022.

The two Field Research Post Doctoral Research Associates will join the team to undertake fieldwork and/or work with museums that was not possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. The closing date for applications is 5 June 2022. These are new posts, and we hope for them to begin on 1 July 2022, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The PDRAs will undertake international field and archival research, focusing on Arctic sites, as well as developing collaborative publications. They will also be involved in developing materials for museum exhibitions, facilitating and attending academic workshops and conferences, and other outreach activities. The posts are for 1 year in the first instance, with the possibility of a 3 month extension.

We encourage interested applicants to apply and/or contact us for further information.
